Current Energies – July 2022
Welcome to July,
This is a long one, you may wish to get a cup of coffee or tea and get comfy…but this newsletter lays it ALL on the line…it may be a tough one to read all the way through but if you are ready to be jolted into a new timeline or way of seeing your life and the world around you…this could be the one that takes you there.
I’m sorry that this month’s newsletter is late, the holiday weekend got away from me and honestly I’ve been putting this off. The energies are so multifaceted right now and being experienced in so many various ways that it’s hard to put into words what is happening.
And I am still in my own cocoon. I thought I was emerging but I’ve been told it’s ok to wait (by my guides) I am being told I can emerge or wait…it doesn’t matter right now…things are chaotic and I can put on my big girl pants and get out there or I can wait until the dust has settled a bit more…my Soul Purpose has been revealing itself and turns out I am doing my mission work either way which makes sense with my Human Design (if you haven’t had a reading from me or someone else, consider doing it! Gosh it helps sooooo much!!)
(And, if you’re curious what your guides might be trying to tell you then contact me for an Intuitive Soul Healing Session where these messages can come through for you)
My Human is freaking out…
In fact, I find it so interesting that last month I wrote these words in June’s newsletter..
“If you believe there is a right and wrong way about anything…anything at all…then you are still operating from some aspects of programming…and most of us still are in one way or another but I only say this because it’s often one way that we get stuck and stall in our spiritual growth.”
And then I had to eat my words as the Roe vs Wade ruling came out.
I understand that there are very strong opinions and beliefs on either side of this issue and I respect that…but my Human had some pretty strong beliefs around this decision that was made, some of those beliefs are directly related to my Spiritual knowledge as well (about Souls and why and when a Soul decides to incarnate into the Human experience and how the choice of a Woman to allow or not allow that process does not hinder the Soul Expansion of any being) and I talked about these personal views based on the higher knowledge I have access to in the Cosmic Soul’s Community (see below for more info)…but ultimately…these things happen…decisions are made…
…And it’s important that we recognize two things…
1. From a political standpoint…they are done to keep us distracted and divided.
2. There is always a deeper truth or higher purpose to what is unfolding, especially at this time.
Now, I really want to talk about this “higher purpose” I speak of because when we say things like this it can be a little misleading…
When we say things like “Life is always happening for us” or “I know this must be happening for my greater good” etc etc the problem is that we are often trying to attach these Spiritual, higher consciousness knowings to our Human experience…and so often…the two just don’t match up.
Sometimes that higher purpose, that Soul Evolution taking place…is not realized in this lifetime…or even in the next 1000 lifetimes (as those that initially came to this planet to try out the Human Experience would tell you). Of course, when we pass on from this life experience we will remember all of this but when we’re here, we can only see this one tiny segment of the infinite story that is playing out…
If this is making your brain hurt, and you’re starting to feel helpless in all of it…you may be asking “well, what’s the point then” or “what can I do to make some of these experiences less painful?”
And the answer is to learn how to stay present.
If all we do in this life is learn to be more present in our everyday moments, which if we practice this will naturally lead to bringing more Divine Love to our lives and the lives of those around us because THAT is our TRUE ESSENCE and when we practice bringing all the parts of us back into this one, NOW moment…we emanate more Divine Love and even if we increase the amount of this Divine Love Frequency…the SAME frequency of our own original blueprint as well as the same frequency of our Divine Source Creator (AKA God)…even if we increase it by only a fragment in this lifetime…then we have done enough. If we ALL did this…it would be incredible and we would shift into a massively higher timeline and dimensional experience…
Oh, wait…that’s what we are trying to do 🙂
We came here for this. So many of us came here to be the Healers, the Pattern Breakers, the Generational Wound experiencers that would refuse to carry on the same behavior and programming…we came here to break out and break through…
And it is SO ok for this process to look messy. So stop judging yourself on how well or not well you think you’re doing. That is one of the biggest programs we need to release…
The right and wrong…there is NO right and wrong…we are here to experience IT ALL.
I cannot say this enough…and yet my own Human get’s wrapped up in the World Stage and the Narratives playing out. And that’s ok too…it’s ok to get angry and feel the generational grief and trauma rising to the surface for the years and years of suppression and abuse that the Diving Feminine has been put through…or the lack of an ability to rise up in our communities and create ACTUAL programs and resources that truly support one another in times of confusion, pain and difficulty.
It’s ok because this is actually one of the ways that these otherwise challenging experiences actually create deeper access to the pain and beliefs that need to be brought to the surface so that there can be healing and in this particular instance with the abortion issue…we are redefining what it means to be a “victim” (on both sides) this is happening at very deep, energetic layers right now, not necessarily at a conscious level except for those that are farther along on their awakening journey.
July Energies
I have to be honest, part of what has contributed to the delayed release of this newsletter is that I have been in such a deep transitional space myself and so I know that my personal experience is not universal at this time…and yet there may be others going through something similar…more on that in a bit…but first…
I’m going to risk being SUPER transparent…in case anyone out there is ready, and deeply desires to have their mind-blown, Egos challenged and desire to invite deep transformation into their life…
And I’m going to use current and not-so-current (but still current for some) events to lay it all out…to lay it on the alter, as we would say in Cosmic Souls.
First, let’s talk about cognitive dissonance…
We ALL do this, from time to time, in one way or another. It’s how our Egos keep us safe. It’s also how we stay stuck in old programming that does not serve us at the higher vibrational levels.
It’s not something to demonize but it is something to become aware of so that we can gently work with it because if we can all acknowledge that we’re doing it on some level and get curious about why we think the way we do as well as admit when we are participating in a belief or story that creates a sense of “us” vs “them”, division, right vs wrong, etc…
Only then can we begin to Heal as a Collective and activate the vibrations of peace, love, unity, joy, abundance…for all…not just for some.
You must ask yourself…does this thought, belief, story etc. make me feel a oneness and connection with the world and those around me…or does it create feelings of fear, separation, opposition, righteousness, or powerfully negative emotions directed at someone or something.
And, sometimes, even when we do access a vibrational alignment with “Oneness” it may often be accompanied by a hint (or a wave) of pain, sadness, grief, anger, rage etc…felt at the emotional level but we learn not to direct it at someone or something…we feel this because in that moment we must acknowledge what we have put ourselves and each other through over the years.
We access the deep traumas that have been experienced and that have been deeply embedded in our
DNA, acting as coding to our mental processes and ego attachments, generation after generation, and when we learn to acknowledge this pain with Love…when we learn to process the old pain and programming and move it through the body and through the energy field…we heal…we grow…we evolve…and we return more of our fragmented aspects back to us…becoming whole, healed and One with ourselves, each other, and the Source of our Creation, which is also an extension of us…
every. single. one. of. us.
And, we are ALL here, to play a part, to help us remember more and more…even if that is seen as an “evil” part.
OK, so back to cognitive dissonance…this is important because it’s happening ALL the time and is creating so much pain for ourselves and each other.
I’m going to paint this very black and white and use a very 3D example here and I understand that there are people that will not fit into either category and that there are a million grey areas around these issues but again, I’m super simplifying just to get my point across…
Politics…oh politics…It’s one of the most prominent ways that our minds (as well as our time, energy, focus and intention…all of the powerful aspects of our own ability to manifest) get captured and imprisoned.
Religion is another one, but I’m not going there today. (And if saying that triggers you, pay attention to that…it means there is something there you need to look at)
We have two main parties and then some in-between. I am registered Independent. Some areas I swing left and some I swing right. If this is you, or a variation of you, then you are likely already aware of a lot of the cognitive dissonance going on in politics and this may not apply to you but I assure you that it’s showing up somewhere in your life so I advise you to read on anyway.
When Covid hit, the Dems wanted to control what everyone did with their own bodies, health and what choices they could and couldn’t make and Republicans were chanting “my body, my choice”.
When abortion rights were the issue though, Dems suddenly feel it’s wrong to tell others what they can and cannot do with their bodies and Republicans feel like they should have a say in what someone can and cannot do…
These are stark contradictions regarding our beliefs around sovereignty…the freedom to choose what is right for me. Period.
***Granted, we’ve received lifetimes of shitty programming around whether we are good enough and/or smart enough to make these decisions as well as tons and tons of fear programming around what could go terribly wrong, should we make the wrong decision…but what we have been purposely denied is the much needed teachings of what is actually true…
…that we are so much more, that we can have an impact on our lives with our energetic focus and intention, that there is no such thing as death in the way we see it, that we can self-heal, that everything we could ever need is right here for the taking, that we live in an infinitely abundant universe and that yes, as Humans we will feel somewhat disconnected from all of this…from our Source Creator but that we do have the potential to remember and access so many powerful, spiritual gits if only we would start teaching THAT in our schools instead of these dead weight 3D concepts that only keep us small, repeating patterns and stuck in a loop that lacks creativity and innovation, not to mention the complete absence of teaching how to connect to our Heart and Soul, how to process emotions and how to activate our Divine Source Connection…which would return us to a state of harmony and bliss.
Sorry, I digress.
Now, if you are someone who identifies with one political party or the other, then you have probably been really struggling these last few years with standing up for your views in one way or another…and here’s the important part…if you’re sitting here…justifying the right to choose in one example but not the other…then THAT, my friend, is cognitive dissonance…
No worries, again, we’re all doing it…this is just one example of the millions of ways that our Egos blind us from a deeper truth.
From a higher perspective we are all one, AND we are all here to have ALL of the experiences…
Cognitive Dissonance serves to justify Soul Fragmentation…which is what happens when we experience trauma (big ones, small ones and ones we don’t even remember because we chose to forget, we were too young to remember or it is from another lifetime or it is ancestral/generation…and probably a combination of several of these factors because everything is divine and we choose to experience similar wounding for our Soul Mastery work, evolution and missions…).
This entire Human Experiment was designed so that we could experience the journey of breaking apart and then coming back together…we do this in one lifetime on a micro-scale and then over many, many lifetimes on a macro-scale.
We cannot fathom the magnitude of the journey we are on from our current Human perspectives.
So to think, for even a second, that we “know” what is right or wrong…for someone else’s Soul Evolution is kind of humorous, to say the least.
But, our politicians are so, so wise (albeit not in a helpful way for the majority of us) because their antics keep us at constant odds with one another…
distracted and divided…aka…easily manipulated and controllable…because as long as we’re too busy fighting each other we surely don’t have the capacity to come together, unify and take back our own sovereignty and right to have the life experience our Souls desire to have…
A life free from fear programming, man-made rules and systems that suppress and lower our vibrations and constant over-stimulation which keeps us overwhelmed to the point that we don’t even realize what’s going on…let alone feel like there is anything we can really do about it.
We must stop fighting one another. I know it’s hard, and it feels like there is so much at stake, but I assure you…whatever you are afraid of happening if you should lower your “weapon” (beliefs) and surrender to trying to connect with one another…the opposition will start to fade away and we would realize that at the Heart of all that exists…most of us want the same thing…peace, love, freedom, abundance, joy, connection, unity, flow…these are accessible…but we have to choose to stop vibrating with righteousness, opposition, duality, polarity, fear, judgement etc etc
Ok, I think I’ve made my point with the politics thing…
We also experience cognitive dissonance when we say we want something, we really believe we want it and that if we could have it we would…but yet we are doing things, unconsciously, to sabotage ourselves.
Losing weight is a great example.
So many will say they wish they could lose weight or look better or be healthier in some way…yet they show up day after day, meal after meal and sabotage any change at attaining those goals.
We do this in our work, our relationships, our family lives, our communications, our day-to-day actions, behaviors and patterns. We say one thing and do another and we are completely blind to it in most instances or we buy into some form of victim mentality (which has been so purposely programmed into us) that tells us we cannot be, do or have what we desire. it’s too hard or not available for us.
When we still have fragments of our own Light Body (aka Soul) that are not in alignment, that have not been healed and returned to our energy field (again which happens when we experience trauma on any kind of level) then we essentially have parts of ourselves that we are completely disconnected from and cannot see, acknowledge or access. This creates the experience of cognitive dissonance…a part of us is out of alignment from who we truly are…and we cannot gain the necessary clarity or understanding as to why something isn’t happening the way we desire it to.
Yes, we are powerful manifestor beings…when we are in alignment and manifesting with our energy as a unified field…it is much more difficult when we are fragmented and we experience everything through a distorted lens…it’s like a broken mirror, fragments of reflections creating a chaotic and confusing image. Imagine trying to put on make-up or shaving your beard while looking into a mirror that has been shattered.
That’s what so many of us are doing on a daily basis.
Doing our inner work, healing our fragmented Souls, acknowledging our own cognitive dissonance and surrendering the fight…this is where we need to go.
It feels terrifying. It is Ego Death. This is the Healing Journey. This is what I teach and what I live. It’s painful, it’s messy, it’s beautiful, it’s emotional, it’s confusing, it’s so fucking powerful…it’s living…truly living…not just merely existing. It’s what so many of us came here to do…
Rise up brothers and sisters…it’s time we unite. Stop fighting and come back home to you. Stop worrying about what your neighbor is doing and come back home to you. They are a reflection of you and you are a reflection of them and it’s time to open your eyes and see with a bigger lens, a loving lens, your higher self has been calling out to you for some time now…isn’t it time we listen
So, back to the part where I said my Human has been freaking out…
Many of you are aware that I’ve been going through a very deep healing and purging phase…I’d say this is the biggest transformational period of my life that I have ever experienced.
I have had to acknowledge the powerful work I have been doing to transmute density. It just happens. Wherever I am, I begin to transmute darkness into light.
I’ve probably always done this but now I am more conscious and when I CHOOSE to do it consciously, phew! Some amazing things have been happening.
But, most of the time, it just happens. Sometimes I can feel it in the moment and other times I don’t realize what I’ve been doing until the end of the day and I fall into bed, completely exhausted and ready for sleep at like 7pm lol.
I share all of this because I want others to know that those of us that are farther along on our journey’s…we kind-of know or definitely know that we are here to help the collective shift in some way…we are likely experiencing a lot right now…
And I just want to say that however you are experiencing that, whatever you need to do or not do to support yourself as you shift into these higher energetic spaces…is ok.
I also want to share something that has been happening that feels so painful and confusing, that I know others are also feeling, and that is a disconnect with my life and the world around me.
I’ve lost my passion for a lot of things, lost interest, lost direction even in some ways…
I feel weirdly disconnected from the world…even as I acknowledge that I am actively moving energy of this world on a regular basis.
It’s confusing. My Human wants to judge it. My Soul says let it be.
And what I feel is happening is that we are preparing…by disconnecting…we are preparing…we are pulling our energy back home to ourselves and we are getting ready for the next phase of our mission here on Earth. It might feel a little unnerving…but keep going inward. Your guides are right there with you…you are fully supported and it’s ok if you feel unsure, unsteady and/or like you’re in-between worlds or waiting for something…
July represents the catapult for the next phase of our journey…
Over the next half of 2022 we will be shown a new direction or lens through which we are ready to experience our life…And the way this is realized could be big, and loud…it might be sudden and disruptive…but it will be divine and it will redirect us to where we need to focus…for our healing, for our journey, for our Soul Evolution…for our Awakening.
July is the month that we have an alignment with Uranus, (planet of freedom and expansion but also sudden shifts, news, realizations), Mars (Passion, Drive, Direction…make things happen, get things going) and the North Node (where we are destined to go towards in this life).
I actually feel that the Roe v Wade ruling was a part of this energy signature, but we are likely to feel this even more strongly towards the end of July into August and again…these are BIG ENERGIES…but what that means is that the shifts are energetic.
I talk about this in my teachings and communities that when things happen energetically…we don’t always see the tangible results for some time, although…this alignments is happening in Taurus which is a more physical, material energy and Uranus which is often a more sudden change, but I just caution people to see these as energetic shifts that may be realized over time…
As an example, I mentioned that the Roe v Wade ruling may have been part of this and while that was a “sudden” and “surprising” event…the energetic healing taking place will take time before we see tangible results of that healing cycle that has been set into motion.
And, for those that can understand what is happening…at a very deep, subconscious level, the programming we have been conditioned with that Souls that are aborted are “victims and powerless” as well as the programming that Women are “victims and powerless” is being rewritten and as part of this healing journey we may see the people that are doing their own inner healing and awakening work remembering or reconnecting to the notion that at a Soul level there is no such thing…that we choose it all (and then forget that we chose it as a part of the Human Experience) we are all here to live out a multitude of experiences and if we could stop leaking our energy into someone else’s experience then we could return to our original, sovereign blueprint and we would actually see a decrease in so many of the negative behaviors and results that we see in a society that is riddled with rules and judgment and criticism.
The Soul does not like to be put into boxes. It wants the freedom to make all the choices, experience all the adventures, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows and because of our deep fear programming we have co-created an experience that reflects the most negative of outcomes and therefore does not allow for that, and as we focus more and more on fixing all of these negative outcomes we create more rules and boxes and we have forgotten that we came here to explore all the different nuances of being Human. True, it doesn’t have to include such low vibrational and painful experiences…but we must heal and transform the collective lens through which we view the world in order for that to change as well.
I also expect there to be an acceleration this month. Yes, I know we cannot imagine time moving more quickly but part of this helps us to do our inner work faster. As we experience an acceleration of time, this means that the Earth is vibrating higher, faster and therefore the lower vibrational thoughts, beliefs, feelings, traumas etc…they cannot keep up and we are essentially forced to release them…if we do not it will become incredibly painful and/or we will have to exit the Human Experience…which will happen for many as they never intended to go beyond this point.
And, finally, for the Starseeds, Lightworkers and Wayshowers etc…I expect that we will be guided into the next phase of our mission over these next few months. Those that have been feeling like they are waiting for something will gain clarity on where they are meant to go. Trust, have faith and again, do what you need to do to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time as it is so very important! (May I recommend checking out our Cosmic Souls Community below if you are looking for a community or safe space for such support).
I hope this channeled message has supported you at this time. Please reach out if you have any questions or feedback around what I have shared. If you feel that something in this newsletter has deeply touched you or triggered you, but maybe you cannot even put words to it, then may I suggest an Intuitive Soul Healing Session to help activate whatever is desiring to come through for you to help you along your Healing and Awakening Journey.